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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
HIV/AIDS Programs

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FY07 - FY10 Appropriations by Program ($=000's)

Emergency Relief (Part A)$603,993$627,149$663,082$652,551
HIV Care (Part B)
(State Formula Grants)
(State ADAP) 
Early Intervention (Part C)$193,721$198,754$201,877$201,877
Women, Infants, Children & Youth (Part D)$71,794$73,690$76,845$72,583
AIDS Ed Training Centers (Part F)$34,701$34,094$34,397$36,955
Dental Reimbursement (Part F)$13,086$12,857$13,429$9,222
SPNS (Part F)*      
Total: Ryan White Funding$2,112,795

*Special Projects of National Significance: Normally funded with set-asides from Parts A, B, C, & D, Appropriation Acts have directed that SPNS shall be funded from Department PHS Act evaluation set-asides. The appropriation amounts shown reflect a proportionate redistribution of the $25,000,000 to Parts A, B, C, & D.

Ryan White Funding History by Program, FY91-2010

Ryan White Funding History by Program, FY91-2010 graph

See Also: FY2010 funding awards for Ryan White Part A, Part B and Part C.

State Profiles

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program State Profiles image.View the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program State Profiles for funding by State.

These profiles include information on funding, services provided, and people served. In order to provide context, population statistics and data on the HIV/AIDS are also provided.