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Director’s Council of Public Representatives (COPR)

COPR Fact Sheet

Who We Are

The members of the Council of Public Representatives (COPR) serve the NIH Director. We represent a wide range of cultural, geographic, and professional backgrounds and perspectives, and we share a deep interest in public health and a commitment to serving the needs of the public. The COPR is the formal mechanism at NIH for public input into the agency's programs and processes. The Council advises the Director on issues of importance to the public and seeks ways to make the public more aware of research results and resources from NIH. The COPR is one of only four external advisory committee chaired by the NIH Director.

Our Mission

We work to bring the public voice to NIH and take NIH's messages to the public.

The COPR facilitates dynamic and interactive communications between NIH and the public by:

  • Serving as the public's voice on issues relating to NIH's mission;
  • Informing the public of the research and health benefits gained through the public's investment in NIH; and
  • Helping NIH understand the public perspective and engage the public in NIH activities.

Our Activities

We meet twice a year in public session to discuss topics identified by the Director and by COPR members. At the request of the NIH Director and the Directors of the Institutes and Centers, we also have participated on NIH committees, including review committees for strategic planning, current research issues, health education campaigns and outreach efforts. COPR members work on special trans-NIH issues, such as building public trust in clinical research and enhancing public input and transparency in the NIH research priority—setting process.

The Council reports to the Director in a variety of ways, depending upon the topic. In serving as the NIH voice to the public, COPR members have traditionally made presentations at various events, including professional meetings, nonprofit organization forums, local town halls and chamber of commerce meetings, and health fairs. We use these opportunities to seek additional input. The COPR currently is exploring new ways and strategies to encourage public engagement.

How We Are Selected

NIH selects COPR members through an annual, open application process, with the advice of external and internal reviewers. Ideal candidates demonstrate a commitment to public health, represent a wide range of individuals, and communicate regularly with the public. In serving on the COPR, we agree to a four-year term and to represent the interests of the public at large putting aside our individual affiliations and personal interests. Candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by another individual or group. All candidates are invited to join the COPR Associates program. This program is designed to provide interested members of the public with the latest news from NIH. The program also serves as an outside "resource pool" for NIH Institutes and Centers interested in getting the public's perspective or in bringing their programs to the public.

Related INformation

This page last reviewed on August 8, 2012

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