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Section 508 Training

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Section 508 training is not handled through this office.

The correct location for the required training is HHS’s Learning Management System. Section 508. Phase I training is recommended for all HHS employees. Section 508, Phase II training is in-person and generally presented as a three-hour comprehensive training session. It is currently provided by the NIH Office of the Chief Information Officer and coordinated through the CIT Computer Training Program, though it can certainly be scheduled upon request and negotiation and provided onsite to any Institute or NIH organization/program area. Though not currently required, it is recommended for all supervisors and managers, as well as acquisition and procurement specialists and IT specialists. All employees, regardless of status, are welcome to attend. The Section 508, Phase I Training module has migrated and is now available and tracked online, for employees and contractors. As such, employees no longer need to forward those certificates to the NIH Section 508 Coordinator for tracking; it is, however, recommended that they keep a copy for their own records and/or their supervisor. The training is available to anyone who has access to the HHS Learning Portal, where their online training will be tracked for them. Phase I training is an introduction to the requirements of Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) accessibility. The training is provided online at http://lms.learning.hhs.gov.

You should contact the NIH Section 508 Team, at Section508Help@mail.nih.gov, for further assistance or should your position require other training or resources for Section 508 and accessible Electronic and Information Technology products or services.

Also, you may refer to the following presentation for more guidance: 508_Compliance_Why_It.ppt

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