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We are now providing our district offices the opportunity to post information on MSHA's web site. As this is an on-going effort, the number of districts participating will increase.

Any comments that you would like to make regarding these pages should be directed to the districts involved. There will be e-mail addresses available for each.

Coal Mining Districts
   District Home Pages
   Address and Telephone Information
   Maps to District and Field Offices

Metal/Nonmetal Mining Districts
   District Home Pages
   Address and Telephone Information
   Maps to District and Field Offices
   Conference and Litigation Representatives (CLR)

Immediately Reportable Accidents

    All mine operators are required to immediately call MSHA's toll free number at 1-800-746-1553 to report an immediately reportable accident or emergency to MSHA. Mine operators must call immediately when an accident has occurred or has been determined to have occurred, but no later than 15 minutes from the time of the occurrence or determination of the occurrence.
Hazardous Condition Complaint

    To report a hazardous condition at a mine you may call your District Office, the MSHA hotline number 1-800-746-1553, or submit your complaint online. Additional information can be obtained using this link .