Which Standards to Follow

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) maintain ADA standards that are based on minimum guidelines issued by the Access Board. The standards apply according to the type of facility:

  • Places of Public Accommodation and Commercial Facilities (Private Sector)

  • State and Local Government Facilities

  • Transportation Facilities

Federal facilities are subject to similar standards under the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA).





Places of Public Accommodation and Commercial Facilities (except transportation facilities)

DOJ regulations issued under title III of the ADA (28 CFR Part 36, Subpart D) currently allow use of either:


DOJ Standards and ADA-ABA guidelines


DOJ 1991 Standards




DOJ's 2010 Standards
mandatory starting March 15, 2012


DOJ's 1991 Standards
usable until March 15, 2012




Note: All applicable requirements of the chosen standard must be satisfied. DOJ does not permit selective use of less stringent provisions from the standard not chosen.








State and Local Government Facilities (except transportation facilities)

DOJ regulations issued under title II of the ADA (28 CFR Part 35, see §35.151) currently allow use of either:


DOJ Standards and ADA-ABA guidelines


DOJ 1991 Standards




DOJ's 2010 Standards
mandatory starting March 15, 2012


DOJ's 1991 Standards
(excluding the exception for elevators)
usable until March 15, 2012


Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
(an existing option to the 1991 standards)
usable until March 15, 2012


Note: All applicable requirements of the chosen standard must be satisfied. DOJ does not permit selective use of less stringent provisions from the standards not chosen.








Transportation Facilities

Transportation facilities, including bus stops and stations and rail stations, are subject to DOT's ADA standards and regulations. These facilities must meet the DOT's updated standards (2006).

See DOT's notice implementing these standards and its ADA regulations (49 CFR Part 37) for further information.





DOT ADA Standards

DOT's 2006 Standards



Technical Assistance

For technical assistance, contact:

Access Board seal
    U.S. Access Board

    phone: (800) 872-2253 (voice) or (800) 993-2822 (TTY), weekdays 10:00 - 5:30 ET (except Wednesday)
    e-mail: ta@access-board.gov
    fax: (202) 272-0081