Audiovisual Program Development Branch of the National Library of Medicine
APDB homeDTVAnimationMultimediaImagery
Breath of Life DVD

Project Spotlight | Breath of Life DVD
In an effort to explore the capabilities of DVD technology, APDB has produced the Breath of Life Virtual Tour DVD program. The highly interactive program incorporates digital video, audio, 2D graphics and advanced three dimensional graphics and animations to show the entire scope and content of the Breath of Life exhibition, currently on displayin the rotunda and lobby of the National Library of Medicine. Over two hours of full-screen, full-motion video can be navigated from the single, DVD disc.

QuickTimeRealMediaWindows Media
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DHHSNIHNLM National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894 | copyright, privacy, accessibility, Freedom of Information Act, FirstGov, Access to Audiovisual Materials and Learning Resources Center