Learn What to Include in Your Complaint

When you file a complaint, please include the following information in your submission:

  • Your complete name and mailing address (This should match your bank’s records.)
  • Your telephone number (the best number to reach you.)
  • Your e-mail address.
  • If you want us to communicate with your attorney or other legal representative directly, please complete the Representative Contact Information section. You should ensure that you have granted appropriate legal authorization for the attorney or other legal representative.
  • Name and address of your Financial Institution or Company.
  • Type of Account(s).  If you are unsure of the type of account(s), please contact your financial institution for assistance.
  • The name of the person(s) you have contacted at the financial institution.
  • Indicate if the financial institution has responded to your complaint.
  • A detailed explanation of the complaint.
  • Do not e-mail, mail, or fax additional information unless requested.