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Sign-up for SEER*Stat E-mail Updates

If you are interested in receiving advanced notification of upcoming SEER*Stat releases and training webinars, subscribe to the SEER*Stat Updates LISTSERV. Note that this listserv will be used only for announcements from SEER*Stat developers, not as a discussion forum among users.

Subscription Instructions

To change your e-mail address, please unsubscribe from the LISTSERV using your old e-mail address. Then re-subscribe using your new e-mail address.

Why Join the List?

1. Advanced Notice of Software Releases

This list was created to allow SEER*Stat users time to warn their IT departments about the impending release. The e-mail will include two dates:

  1. When the new version will be made available both for download from the SEER*Stat Installation page as well as within the Update option through Auto-Update in client-sever mode.
  2. When the delayed release is scheduled to update within the Delayed Update option through Auto-Update, about two weeks after the initial release.

Subscribers can then choose to either update immediately or delay the update until their IT staff can review the new version and approve it for the organization.

2. Announcements about Training Opportunities

SEER plans to host a few short webinars each year to highlight changes in SEER*Stat and to review confusing or underutilized features.

For questions about or help with SEER*Stat, see SEER*Stat Help.