Extramural Glossary

To limit your search, uncheck the following category:
Acronym Search terms:

Search Tips

Use "Term," "Acronym," or "Definition" followed by a colon to refine the search. Use quotes around phrases.

Example: [Term:"Funding Plan"]

Wildcard searches

For single character wildcard use "?".

Example: [NI?] Returns NIH

For multiple character wildcard use "*".

Example: [CG*] Returns CGEMS and CGAP

For fuzzy wildcard use "~".

Example: [debrief~] Returns words with approximately similar spelling

Range searches

For a range of entries use "TO".

Example: [AB TO ACF] Returns entries between AB and ACF

Boolean operators

  • OR: The OR operator returns matches where either of two terms exist in a term, definition, or description.
  • AND: The AND operator returns matches where both terms exist in a term, definition, or description.
  • NOT: The NOT operator excludes words or phrases that contain the term, acronym, or phrase after NOT.
  • + : Term, acronym, or phrase after the "+" symbol must exist to return any result.
  • - : Excludes results where the term, acronym, or phrase follows the "-" symbol.
Note: OR, AND, NOT must be all uppercase.


Use parentheses to group terms and phrases.

Example: [(NIH and meeting)]