Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records

Arizona Public Computer Centers

The Arizona Public Computer Centers project plans to enhance existing facilities in more than 80 public libraries throughout Arizona. The project expects to deploy more than 1,000 computers across the state to meet the growing demand for public computers and broadband access. The project intends for users to access valuable e-resources and enable libraries to provide training in 21st century skills. The Arizona State Library plans to partner with a variety of government, not-for-profit, and tribal organizations. The Arizona State Library expects 84 public computer centers to serve more than 75,000 users per week or more than 450,000 residents throughout the term of the grant.

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Library patrons in Douglas, Ariz. use the new computers purchased under AzPAC

According to a 2011 American Library Association survey, 64.5 percent of libraries report that they are the only provider of free public Internet in their communities. The Arizona Public Access Computers (AzPAC) project, run by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records division, targets this need by deploying more than 1,000 new computers in 84 libraries across the state. These computers will increase access to e-resources and enable the libraries to provide training in digital literacy and technology skills.

AzPAC provides Arizona’s libraries with the equipment to reach an estimated 450,000 previously underserved citizens, many of whom do not have access to the Internet at home or work. In certain areas of Arizona, such as Yuma County, large populations of seniors rely on public libraries for access to computers and the Internet. In addition, three tribal libraries are participating in the program.

As of June 2011, the Arizona State Library purchased around 950 computers and installed more than 500. Local members of the community use these computers for a variety of tasks, including completing online courses and filing for healthcare benefits. In addition, many patrons build resumes, complete job applications, and search for jobs using the free Internet access. AzPAC hopes that facilitating job-search training and holding resume drafting courses will stimulate employment and economic growth in the state.

Last Updated: December 23, 2011

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