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Risk Communication, Risk Assessment and Regulations

Risk Perception and Communication

A large amount of information on how people perceive various types of risks and how information about risks could be communicated is available. Some selected web sites are described below.

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Government Regulations

A wealth of information is available for those seeking to learn about regulation of chemicals. There are overlaps in jurisdiction among agencies that have risk assessment and toxicology in their respective missions and agendas at the Federal level. In addition state, county, and municipal agencies provide additional levels of regulatory compliance. There are also many agencies that provide this type of information for a fee. Selected websites (related to federal) that provide information on regulations for chemicals are provided here.

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Guidance on Risk Assessment

Access to guidance documents, tools and methods, and training materials or on-line courses is available. Below are listed a selected group of international and US web sites that provide information on risk assessment methods for human health considerations from chemical exposures.

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