f90gl Example Images

Here are the images produced by the example programs that come with f90gl. This page just contains a snapshot of the images. In many of the example programs, the image is animated or can be manipulated with the mouse or keyboard.

thumbnail of blender image blender -- two rotating objects, one red, one green, which fade in and out, plus some text
thumbnail of checker image checker -- draws two black/white checker boards, one straight on and one at an angle, using texture mapping
thumbnail of fbitfont image fbitfont -- some text
thumbnail of fscene image fscene -- three 3D objects in red. The right mouse button brings up a menu.
thumbnail of glutdino image glutdino -- a green dinosaur. Rotate with the mouse while holding the left mouse button. Right mouse button brings up a menu.
thumbnail of logo image logo -- the f90gl logo. Rotate with the mouse while holding the left mouse button. Right mouse button brings up a menu. Middle mouse button selects a new value on the color bars (rgb sliders).
thumbnail of modview image modview -- contains a module for using the mouse and arrow keys to rotate, zoom, pan and scale.
thumbnail of molehill image molehill -- a four color bumpy surface
thumbnail of olympic image olympic -- the olympic rings come flying into position. Restart the animation with the space bar; terminate with escape.
thumbnail of plotfunc image plotfunc -- plots a function of two variables as contours, a surface mesh, or a solid surface. Uses the modview module. Right button brings up a menu.
thumbnail of scube image scube -- a rotating cube in front of a background, and it's shadow. Right mouse button brings up a menu. There are also keyboard keys for the same functions as on the menu.
thumbnail of sphere image sphere -- a red sphere
thumbnail of stars image stars -- a trip through outer space
thumbnail of trivial image trivial -- white square on black background

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Last change to this page: June 2, 2000
Date this page created: 1998
Contact: William Mitchell
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