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medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders

Support Organizations

This list of organizations is provided to assist visitors to this site in obtaining information related to substance abuse and treatment. The list represents a variety of Federal Government agencies and non-government organizations. By displaying this list, SAMHSA is not endorsing the organizations represented nor making any claim as to the accuracy and validity of the information found on their Web sites.

  • Addiction Treatment Watchdog
    Addiction Treatment Watchdog is a resource for educating medication-assisted-treatment patients and others about the disease and treatment of opiate addiction.
  • Advocates for the Integration of Recovery and Methadone (AFIRM)
    Our Mission is to support methadone as an effective tool of recovery that can be enhanced through the integration of other treatment approaches. We promote the development of Methadone Anonymous (MA) and other 12-step fellowships, as well as clinical treatment alternatives, such as incorporating spirituality and Stage Change modalities into traditional treatment settings.
  • Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
    A national organization aimed at changing the policy regarding Opiate Agonist (OA) treatment, thereby improving the lives of methadone patients everywhere in the country.
  • Medical Assisted Treatment of America
    We welcome you to "Medical Assisted Treatment." The website's aim is to raise awareness and understanding of substance abuse, the problems it creates, and the ways to deal with these problems.
  • Methadone Support Org
    Methadone Support Org. (MSO) is a support organization for "Medically Assisted Treatment" which is available for people addicted or dependent on opiates for any reason -from substance abuse to chronic pain. Our provider- and patient-friendly on-line support resources include information on methadone and pregnancy, Methadone Anonymous, support forums, on-site experts to answer questions, and so much more.
  • National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment (NAABT)
    A non-profit organization with the mission to educate the public about the disease of opioid addiction and the buprenorphine treatment option, to help reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with patients with addiction disorders, and to serve as a conduit connecting patients in need of treatment to qualified treatment providers.
  • National Alliance of Methadone Advocates (NAMA)
    NAMA is an organization composed of methadone patients and health care professionals that are supporters of quality opiate agonist treatment. We have thousands of members worldwide with a network of international affiliated organizations and chapters in many places in the United States.
  • Recovery Community Services Program (RCSP)
    A grant program from SAMHSA/CSAT of peer-to-peer recovery support services to help people initiate and/or sustain recovery from alcohol and drug use disorders.
National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month Please click here to link to Recovery-Oriented Methadone Associations
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