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Meet Martha Washington

Date: November 5, 2012
Place: Mount Vernon Estate, Museum & Gardens, Mount Vernon, VA
Interview: Martha Washington

In this episode, we visit Martha Washington at Mount Vernon Estate. She’s was the first First Lady and she tells us about her grandchildren and what life was like in 1798.

Can you tell us about your family?

Martha Washington: Indeed, I have a picture here on the back wall that depicts my grandchildren as well as the General (George Washington) and myself. There is Nellie standing at the table with her dark curls. Oh she was about 12 years of age there, and that was one of the new French style fashions, that little white dress.

And then there’s my grandson (George Washington Parke Custis). He’s on the other side of the picture. His hand is on one of the General’s great prize possessions - his globe of the world.

What do your grandchildren like to eat?

Martha: The grandchildren enjoy very much this new treat called iced cream. At one of our children’s parties during the presidency, our butler Mr. Francis, served that treat and it’s become very popular. And he came to the president later saying “Now Mr. President, I can make any kind of ice cream, put any flavor to it you would like. What would you like to have for your ice cream?” And believe it or not, the president actually said “Ah then, I should like some oyster ice cream.” And he made it for him! Ay!

What advice do you have for kids?

Martha: As I now have three baby great-granddaughters I have made a little wall hanging, or I’m in the process of it, to teach them the little rhyme. The key to a happy life. Now this is my own artistry, not the best but I hope you can make it out.

The key to a happy life: keep yourself busy as a bee, cheerful as a cricket and as steady as a clock. Good advice is it not?

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