National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health
Cancer Diagnosis Program (CDP)
CDP Tissue Microarrays

CDP Breast Cancer Progression TMA (Case Sets 3-8)

The CDP breast cancer progression TMA, constructed from case sets 3 through 8, provides high statistical power for comparisons of marker prevalence across breast cancer cases that are node-negative at diagnosis, node-positive but not metastatic at diagnosis or metastatic at diagnosis. The DCIS and normal breast tissue cores on the breast cancer progression TMA are 1.5 mm in diameter, and the remaining cores on the TMA are 0.6 mm in diameter.

To construct this tissue microarray the CDP selected a collection of 679 breast tissue specimens which was divided into six non-overlapping case sets, Case Sets 3-8, each representing between 112-115 breast tissue specimens.

Because of the large number of cores included in the design, it was not possible to place all the cores required for an experiment into a single paraffin array block; instead, three blocks were required. Thus each complete array set requires the assembly of sections from three case sets.

Sections are currently cut and distributed from the blocks constructed from case sets 4, 6 and 8, which together comprise a complete array set. Click Here for the Excel map of sections[XLS] or Text alternative for map of sections.

Table 1.Specimens represented in the CDP Progression TMA case sets.
Type of Case Case Set #4 Case Set #6 Case Set #8 Total
Node-Negative Cases 28 28 26 82
Node-Positive Cases 26 27 27 80
Metastatic Cases 27 26 27 80
DCIS Cases 11 8 10 29
Normal Breast Tissue 23 23 23 69
Control Specimens 18 18 18 54
Grand Total Cores 133 130 131 394

Each of the six case sets was arrayed in quadruplicate to address possible tissue heterogeneity. For example, four cores were taken from each of the 115 breast tissue specimens in case set 4 and from the 18 control specimens to develop 4 replicate TMA blocks that each contains 133 cores. The same process was then used to construct quadruplicate TMA blocks for the other five case sets. At this time only sections from Case Sets 4, 6 and 8 are being distributed.

The design is such that for a request to be filled using the breast cancer progression TMA, successful applicants are required to accept a minimum of two sections (from different replicate blocks) from each of the three different case sets, for a total of 6 sections (3 case sets x 2 replicate sections from different TMA blocks.) For example:

Case Sets Image

Read a text description of the above image.

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