Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (FDIUS)

Financial and Operating Data for U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Multinational Companies

The financial and operating statistics available here provide a picture of the overall activities of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies and contain a wide variety of indicators of their financial structure and operations. These statistics cover items that are needed in analyzing the characteristics, performance, and economic impact of MNCs, and are obtained from mandatory surveys of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies conducted by BEA.

Frequently Requested Tables

Visit our interactive system to display and download customizable time series tables and charts using the financial and operating data for U.S. affiliates of foreign MNCs. More information on interactive system.

Majority-Owned U.S. Affiliates (Including Banks)

* The collection of this data item by state ended in 2007.

All (Majority- and Minority-Owned) U.S. Affiliates (Including Banks)

Nonbank U.S. Affiliates

Comprehensive Financial and Operating Data for U.S. Affiliates

Establishment Data from BEA-Census Link

Detailed establishment data for U.S. affiliates of foreign companies obtained from a project that links Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) enterprise, or company, data on foreign direct investment in the United States with the Census Bureau's establishment data for all U.S. companies. The data are presented by detailed industry, by country of ultimate beneficial owner, and by State.

U.S. Businesses Acquired or Established by Foreign Companies

Please note this series ended with 2008.

Comprehensive Data 1980-2008
1998-2007 revised and 2008 (ZIP | Contains multiple Excel files) | Data are presented under NAICS.
1998-2007 revised and 2008 (ZIP | Contains multiple PDF files) | Data are presented under NAICS.
1992-97 revised (ZIP | Contains multiple Text files) | Data are under US SIC up to 1997.
1980-91 revised (ZIP | Contains multiple PRN files)