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States and Local Governments with Earned Income Tax Credit


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State or Local Government

Percentage of Federal Credit

Is Credit Refundable?
1. Connecticut 30% Yes
2. Delaware 20% No
3. District of Columbia 40% Yes
4. Illinois 4% Yes
5. Indiana 6% Yes
6. Iowa (See Line 65 Instructions) 7% Yes
7. Kansas (See instruction booklet; search: earned income credit) 18% Yes
8 .Louisiana (Search: EITC)


9. Maine (Scroll down to Income Tax Credits) 5% No

10. Maryland

Up to 50% Yes
11. Massachusetts 15% Yes
12. Michigan 6% Yes
13. Minnesota (Working Family Credit) Average 33% Yes
14. Nebraska (see earned income credit in Nebraska Individual Tax Instructions) 10% Yes
15. New Jersey 20% Yes
16. New Mexico 10% Yes
17. New York Up to 30% Yes
18. North Carolina 5% Yes
19. Oklahoma (Search: Earned Income Credit) 5% Yes
20. Oregon 6% Yes
21. Rhode Island (See form instructions) Up to 25% Partially
22. Vermont 32% Yes
23. Virginia Greater of Virginia CLI, Credit for Low_Income_Individuals or 20% No
25. Washington—Credit is pending check on status here 10% Yes
24.  Wisconsin

4% — one child

11% — two children

34% — three children




26. New York City (Search: EITC)

5% Yes
27.  Montgomery County, Maryland 72.5% of State of Maryland credit Yes

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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2013-02-04