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NOAA Workforce Management Office

Serving NOAA's Most Valuable Asset - People

Retirement Packages and Information:

The retirement application and related forms have important information. Make sure you read this information carefully before filling out the forms. The Application for Immediate Retirement SF-2801 and SF-3107 contains several sections. The Benefits and Retirement Specialist will complete the Certified Summary of Federal Service SF-2801-1 and SF-3107-1 and send it to you via email. You will need to review and sign this form.

Retirement packages for CSRS/FERS employees who are filing applications for Optional/Voluntary Retirement should send their retirement packages no earlier than 6 to 8 weeks before the effective retirement date to your Benefits and Retirement Specialist.

When the exact retirement date has been decided, your office should prepare an SF-52 Request for Personnel Action and have it signed by the appropriate authority. It is mandatory that the SF-52 be attached to your retirement package.

Retirement packages are located in the following link: Retirement Packages

Once your retirement forms have been completed on-line, print, sign and date. It is important to make a copy of all forms for your records. Mail the completed original forms to your Benefits and Retirement Specialist.

The forms below are required by all federal employees who leave federal employment.

You will need to complete a Memorandum for Lump Sum Annual Leave Income Tax Deduction. You must also request that your office complete a CD-126 Clearance Form, CD-527 Leave Audit and CD-529 Lump Sum Leave and Compensatory Time Payments Form before you retire. Your office should send these documents, along with the Memorandum for Lump Sum Annual Leave Income Tax Deduction, directly to your benefits assistant. They are responsible for processing your lump-sum annual leave payment. Please click on the following link for your benefits assistant contact information -

Retirement FAQs

Page last edited: December 03, 2012

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