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The goal of the Newborn Screening Coding and Terminology Guide is to promote and facilitate the use of electronic health data standards in recording and transmitting newborn screening test results. The Web site includes standard codes and terminology for newborn tests and the conditions for which they screen, and links to other related sites. The codes and vocabulary standards are provided in a series of tables that you can view on the Web and/or download for your own use. These tables cover conditions recommended for screening by the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (SACHDNC) or by a state within the U.S.

Use of these standards can speed the delivery of newborn screening reports, facilitate the care and follow-up of infants with positive test results, enable the use (and comparison) of data from different laboratories, and support the development of strategies for improving the newborn screening process.

This Web site also includes draft guidance for creating an HL7 version 2.x message using these codes with examples. If you would like us to notify you about updates to this guidance and other new content, please subscribe to the RSS feed for Updates, or join the NBS-Announcements e-mail list from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

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