Broadband Access Project in Minnesota offers Technology and Workforce Training

The University of Minnesota Broadband Access Project (BAP) is a collaboration of 12 community organizations—four in St. Paul, three in South Minneapolis, and five in North Minneapolis—to expand access to high-speed Internet.

The organization has renovated 11 public computer sites and now offers training classes. The training classes at each site are targeted at a wide variety of groups including small/disadvantaged/minority-owned businesses, nonprofit organizations, individuals, and community groups. Currently, users can choose from training classes including introductory Internet classes, Microsoft Office® suite basics, job search help, resume building, and college prep. BAP staff develops additional courses as needs arise.

BAP helps a wide range of people from all age groups, unemployed and underemployed, immigrants, and refugees – develop important computer skills, search for jobs, and enhance their education. In addition, non-profits affected by significant levels of funding cuts will have the opportunity to support staff development and small business owners will learn how to use technology to increase their customer base through online promotions and other communications.

instructor leading a computer class