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Corps Lakes Gateway > Natural Resources Management Partnerships

Natural Resources Management Partnerships

    WELCOME new and long-time friends. Our Nation’s lakes, rivers, and parks need you! The Natural Resources Management (NRM) Partnership pages are your gateway to working with us. As with any large agency, it can be both challenging and rewarding to work with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Each year, the Corps of Engineers partners with thousands of individuals and organizations on recreation and environmental projects to enhance our nation’s lakes, rivers, and parks. We are proud of our broad range of existing partners and eagerly seek to expand complementary relationships with others.

    This section is limited to typical Natural Resources Management partnering tools such as volunteers, challenge partnerships, contributions, MOUs/MOAs, cooperative agreements and cooperating associations. Although concession leases and contract procurements are also forms of partnering, their specific applications are not addressed on these pages.

    Imagine yourself creating new recreational opportunities, improving and creating trails, preserving history, protecting wildlife, caring for the environment, ensuring healthy watersheds, expanding learning opportunities, or improving accessibility. To find out more about partnering with the Corps contact our NRM National Partnership Program Manager. Have fun. Make new friends. Make a difference! Again, welcome, and we look forward to working with you!

    Where Can I Help?
    Partnership opportunities are available at hundreds of Corps-managed sites nationwide. The Corps is the Nation’s largest provider of outdoor recreation, operating 422 lakes and river projects in 43 states, and managing almost 12 million acres of land and water.

    Why Should I Help?
    By volunteering or partnering with the Corps on a natural resources management project, you can help improve our ability to protect the environment and enhance recreation opportunities. Funding for recreation and natural resources is decreasing. Partnerships enable the Corps to leverage its limited funds to accomplish maximum results. Working on Corps projects can be fun, rewarding, and an excellent way to give back to the community. Join us!

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Updated: May 2012