Scientific Programs

Tom Burdon

Dr. Tom Burdon was a member of our laboratory from 1989 to 1991 and he studied the control of the mammary-specific and hormone-controlled gene promoters in transgenic mice. Tom received his Ph.D. from the University of Nottingham in England in 1988 where he studied recombinant rabbit caseins. Currently he is a member of the Centre for Genome Research at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland).

Publications while at LGP

PubMed search

1. Hennighausen, L., McKnight, R.A., Burdon, T., Baik, M., Smith, G.H and Wall, R.J. (1994) Whey acidic protein extrinsically from the mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat results in hyperplasia of the coagulation gland epithelium and impaired mammary development. Cell Growth and Differentiation 5, 607-613.

2. Burdon, T., Wall, R.J., Shamay, A., Smith, G.H. and Hennighausen, L. (1991). Overexpression of an endogenous milk protein gene in transgenic mice is associated with impaired mammary development and a milchlos phenotype. Mech. of Development 36, 67-74.

3. Burdon, T., Sankaran, L., Wall, R.J., Spencer, M., and Hennighausen, L. (1991). Expression of a whey acidic protein transgene during mammary development: Evidence for different mechanisms of regulation during pregnancy and lactation. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 6909-6914.

4. McKnight, R.A., Burdon, T., Pursel, V.G., Shamay, A., Wall, R.J. and Hennighausen, L. (1991). The whey acidic protein. In R.B Dickson and M.E. Lippman (eds.) Breast Cancer: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 399-412.

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