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Summer Internship Program (SIP) Frequently Asked Questions

What is a reliable source of information on the Summer Internship Program?
Your Summer Handbook is a good place to start.  The rules and procedures that govern all programs and activities at the NIH are detailed in Manual Chapters.  SIP is part of the Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program; you can find a complete description of its operation in the IRTA Manual Chapter. (NOTE: If your appointment is in the NCI, the appropriate document is the CRTA Chapter.)

Where can I find a list of SIP stipends?
SIP stipends are determined by educational level.  Stipends are established each March by the Scientific Directors and are published in an appendix to the IRTA Manual Chapter.

How can I meet other summer interns?
Begin by attending an orientation session presented by your Institute or Center (IC) and/or the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE); this will allow you to begin building your summer network from day one.  Another good way to meet summer interns is to attend career development workshops offered by the OITE.  While you are learning how to read a scientific paper or soaking up advice on getting to medical school, you will be meeting summer interns with similar interests.  If you sign up for a summer journal club, you will get to know 15 or 20 summer interns well.  Finally, subscribe to the Club PCR-mini listserv.   This social listserv will alert you to community service and social events organized by and for summer interns.  (Directions for subscribing can be found on the front inside cover of your Summer Handbook.)

How can I make certain I don't miss out on opportunities this summer? 
Make certain that you are receiving e-mails addressed to the OITE-SIP listserv.  OITE uses this listserv to communicate official information on summer activities.  If you are not receiving these messages contact us and ask to be added to the listserv.

Where should I go if I need help getting my NIH ID badge or completing the other administrative tasks associated with starting work at the NIH?
The first person you should contact is your IC Program Coordinator.  These individuals have extensive experience with helping summer interns get started.  Feel free to contact them anytime during the summer, should you have a question.

What if I encounter a serious problem while I am at the NIH?
We certainly hope that your summer experience will be terrific and that you will leave the NIH with only good memories.  However, should you encounter difficulties while you are with us, there are people who can help.  You may want to go first to your principal investigator (PI) or Program Coordinator.  If the problem involves harassment, your being treated badly, or something you suspect may be scientific misconduct, please come to the OITE.  Sharon Milgram and Pat Sokolove, the Director and Deputy Director of the OITE, will be willing to help you work through the problem or will assist you in obtaining the resources you need.

How can I make certain I have a successful summer research experience?
Here are some simple suggestions:

  • At the beginning of the summer, discuss expectations with your supervisor.  Make certain that you know what is expected of you, and do your best to meet those expectations.
  • Treat this opportunity like a regular job.   Do not be late or absent without letting your supervisor know, preferably in advance.
  • Take the time to observe how the lab works and try to fit in.  If everyone arrives at work at 7:30, you arrive at 7:30 too.  If everyone goes to the WALS lectures on Wednesday, you go too.  If no one uses a cell phone in the lab, turn yours off (unless you are expecting a particularly important call).  The same advice applies to iPods and other electronic devices.
  • Participate actively in lab meeting.
  • Try to learn all you can about the projects going on in your lab, in collaborators' labs, and down the hall.
  • Ask for papers to read, and learn as much as you can about your project.
  • Ask for help when you need it, and write down directions for any complex tasks.
  • Try to contribute more than your fair share to keeping the lab running smoothly.
  • Treat EVERYONE in the lab with respect.

How can I have a successful summer?
Remember that science is your first priority this summer, but that life is always important.  Consider doing some or all of the following:

  • Think more about your next career steps and the skills you will need to succeed, then work on gaining those skills.
  • Learn more about yourself.
  • Explore the Washington, DC area and the NIH community.
  • Meet new people; give back to the community.