May 2010

Major Ups and Downs
Bipolar Disorder Brings Extreme Mood Swings

Cartoon of woman looking at two windows, one with a violent storm and one with a sunny, peaceful scene.

Most people feel happy and energized on some days and less so on others. But if these mood changes last for a week or more and are severe—making it hard for you to sleep, stay focused or go to work—it may be a sign of bipolar disorder. Read more about bipolar disorder.

Strike Out Stroke
Quick Action Can Keep Damage at Bay

Cartoon of a distressed brain

It can happen any time and any place. A stroke can come on suddenly, and its effects can be devastating. The good news is that you can halt the brain damage caused by a stroke if you act quickly. That’s why it’s important to know the warning signs of stroke, and to get help right away if you see them. Read more about stroke.

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