GBG logo CellMiner Database Version:1.4 Genomics and Bioinformatics Group

Select the Growth Inhibitor (GI50) data to be included in the output

Search DTP-NCI60 drug data by single identifier or list of identifiers, and retrieve activity information as well as additional annotation information. DTP Drug activities are measured for 50% growth inhibition. This dataset includes compounds, as well as with FDA-approved, clinical trail and know mechanism-of-actions drugs in the absence of range or pattern correlation quality controls.

Step 1 - Limit by tissue of origin:

Step 2 - Select data to include with output:

Step 3 - Select output data format (select 1):

Step 4 - User input format

Step 5 - Select user input type (1 required):

Example:   757
Note: this will return only exact matches to the list of NSC numbers entered.

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CellMiner™ is a development of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Group, Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology (LMP), Center for Cancer Research (CCR), National Cancer Institute (NCI). Please email us with any problems, questions or feedback on the tool.

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