Dietary Screener in the 2009 CHIS

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The Dietary Screener in the 2009 California Health Interview Survey

A new dietary screener was administered in the 2009 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)External Web Site Policy. The 2009 CHIS screener asks respondents for information about how frequently they consume foods in 10 categories. No portion size questions are asked.

This screener does not attempt to assess total diet. The questions allow researchers to gather information about intakes of fruits and vegetables and teaspoons of added sugars. In addition, a question on frequency of eating fast food is asked. Fruit and vegetable intake is quantified using the cup equivalents metric, based on the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) MyPyramid Equivalents Database (MPED; version 2.0 for USDA Survey Foods, 2003-2004) and cited in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The 2009 CHIS Diet Screener is composed of QA09_C13 to QA09_C21 of the CHIS 2009 Adult QuestionnaireExternal Web Site Policy. In addition to variables for these questions, the following variables were computed:

Variable Name Label
FRUIT Unadjusted daily cup equivalents of fruits
FRIED_PO Unadjusted daily cup equivalents of fried potatoes
VEG_OTH Unadjusted daily cup equivalents of other vegetables
FV_NOBNS Daily cup equivalents of fruits & vegetables excluding beans
FVNB2ADJ Variance-adj daily cup equiv of fruits/veg excl beans
FV_NOFBN Daily cup equivalents of fruits/veg excl french fries & beans
FVNFB2AJ Variance-adj daily cup equiv fruits/veg excl french fries & beans
SUG_SODA Unadjusted daily teaspoons of added sugar in soda
SUG_ENGD Unadjusted daily teaspoons of added sugar in fruit/energy drinks
SUG_COFF Unadjusted daily teaspoons of added sugar in coffee and tea
SUG_BEV Unadjusted daily teaspoons of added sugar in all beverages
SUG_PAST Unadjusted daily teaspoons of added sugar in pastries
SUG_ICRM Unadjusted daily teaspoons of added sugar in ice cream
SUGAR2 Daily teaspoons of added sugar
SUG2_ADJ Variance-adj daily teaspoons of added sugar

These created variables are available on the CHIS Web site under "Public Use Data Files"External Web Site Policy.

In CHIS 2009, we applied rules for excluding extreme data responses, described in Scoring Procedures. Scoring Procedures also describes the process of scoring the individual response data. A description and guidelines for the appropriate uses of the screener-estimated dietary intakes are found in Variance Adjustment. Validation results for the CHIS 2009 screener are presented in Validation.

NOTE: The dietary variables on the CHIS dataset are in their natural units. For analyses, however, they must be transformed to approximate normal distributions. For cup equivalents of fruits and vegetables, use the square root transformation. For teaspoons of added sugars, use the cube root transformation. After analyses, the results can be back-transformed for easier interpretation.

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Last modified:
05 Jan 2012
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