
OSHPD Strategic Plan 2013 to 2015

With involvement from our stakeholder community and team members, OSHPD developed a Strategic Plan to guide our efforts during the next three years.

Statewide Hospital Financial Trends

"Statewide Hospital Financial Trends 2006-2010" illuminates the financial health of California's hospitals. The comprehensive report also provides data on revenue and expenses, capacity and utilization, labor costs and staffing, along with hospital characteristics in a usable easy-to-read format.

New Clearinghouse Fact Sheets

The California Healthcare Workforce Clearinghouse has added three New fact sheets to our website: Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, Physician Assistant and Vocational Nurse.

Hospital Volume and Utilization Indicators for California

Hospital Volume and Utilization Indicators for California, 2011, provides the volume for 6 procedures, including coronary bypass surgery and angioplasty with stents, and utilization rates for 5 procedures, including Cesarean section and vaginal birth after Cesarean section.

Healthcare Workforce Clearinghouse Program

The Clearinghouse is responsible for the collection, analysis, and distribution of information on the educational and employment trends for health occupations in the state.

The Health Professions Education Foundation is now on Twitter

Follow us to get updates on the Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program (STLRP) and other scholarship and loan repayment programs that are offered.

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