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OverviewCurrent NCI HIV/AIDS Research ActivitiesAccomplishments of NCI Scientists

Accomplishments of NCI Scientists

Research by Drs. Douglas Lowy and John Schiller led to the development of a vaccine against human papillomavirus, which promises to protect millions of women against cervical cancer.

From the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, NCI scientists have played a major role in HIV/AIDS and AIDS malignancy research. Scientists within the NCI and supported by the NCI have made a number of key discoveries, including:

While he was at the NCI, Dr. Robert C. Gallo co-discovered HIV, showed that it was the cause of AIDS, and developed the first blood test.

For more information on the HIV/AIDS research accomplishments of scientists working within the NCI and the activities of the Center of Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Cancer Virology, please download the pamphlet: "HIV/AIDS Research at the NCI: A Record of Sustained Excellence".