What's In Food

Nutrient Data Laboratory logo USDA National Nutrient Database Online Search

USDA. ARS. Nutrient Data Laboratory.

Look up the nutrient value of nearly 8,000 foods in USDA's on-line searchable databse.

Nutritive Value of Foods, Home and Garden Bulletin No. 72 (HG-72)

USDA. ARS. Nutrient Data Laboratory.

Contains data for 19 nutrients on over 1,274 foods expressed in terms of common household units.

"What's In The Foods You Eat" Search Tool

USDA. ARS. Food Surveys Research Group.

View nutrient profiles for 13,000 foods commonly eaten in the US using familiar portion sizes that can be adjusted by the user.

Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats & Fiber

Get the facts on carbs and other nutrients. Find resources on the "macronutrients" in your diet - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber.

Plate of vegetables Vitamins & Minerals

Get the facts on vitamins and minerals, from A to Z. Search an online database for your favorite foods.

Salt & Sodium

Learn more about salt and sodium in your diet and how it affects your health. Find resources and tips for reducing the amount in your diet, yet keeping the flavor.

Assorted vegetables Antioxidants & Phytonutrients

Learn more about what is in your foods, beyond vitamins and minerals, and how they play a role in your overall health.

Food Additives

Find out about food additives...what they are, what they contribute to foods, how they are regulated, and how to identify them in the foods you eat.

Woman looking with interest at a computer screen. Food Composition Finders

Here are interactive tools you can use to look up the nutrient composition of many foods, including tools specific to sugars, flavonids, fluoride and more.

Green Question Mark Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs) - Whats in Food

Find answers to commonly asked questions like where to get nutrient information on foods, ingredient lists on foods, and more...