Frequently Asked Questions


How do I find a Medicare-approved home health agency?

You can find a Medicare approved home health agency by doing the following:
Looking at the information in the Home Health Compare section of Asking your doctor or hospital discharge planner. Using a senior community referral service, or contacting other community agencies that help with your health care. Looking in your telephone directory in the Yellow Pages under "home care" or "home health care." (Look for home health care agencies that are Medicare-approved.)
If your doctor decides you need home health care, you have the right to choose the home health agency you use. Your choice should be honored by your doctor, hospital discharge planner or other referring agency. Some hospitals have their own home health agency, but you do not have to choose the hospital's agency. You can choose any agency you (or your family) feel will meet your medical needs. If you are in a Medicare Advantage plan, you may have to use a home health agency that belongs to the plan.

It is important to remember that Medicare only pays for services given by a home health agency that meets Medicare's quality standards and is approved by Medicare. Medicare regularly inspects home health agencies to make sure these standards are met. Your home health agency must provide you with all the home care you need, including staff and medical supplies. The agency may do this through their own staff, through an arrangement with another agency, or they may hire staff to meet your needs, including nurses, therapists, home health aides, and medical social service counselors.

Keywords: Home Health, Home Healthcare, Home Health Care, Home Care, Coverage

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