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Multidisciplinary Efforts

Project Overview

In 2007, the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA) was awarded a cooperative agreement to carry out multidisciplinary efforts for the NCEA.

The goal of this project is to encourage and enhance the development of comprehensive elder justice systems by supporting the creation and promoting the sustainability of multidisciplinary local and state elder abuse networks and by disseminating promising practices and information on federal and state laws.  NCPEA plans to achieve this goal through the following major activities.

Expand the Adoption of Multidisciplinary Efforts

Since 2007, NCEA has awarded 42 Elder Justice Local Network Development Mini-Grants of $10,000 to assist communities in developing multidisciplinary approaches to address elder abuse. To read descriptions of the mini-grant projects that have been awarded in previous years, please click on the following links:

In addition, NCPEA will provide technical assistance to state agencies and AAAs to promote the widespread development, implementation, and sustainability of new or existing local and state elder abuse networks.

Enhance and Maintain a Promising Practices Clearinghouse

The NCEA currently collects information on promising practices in the field of elder abuse for inclusion in a Promising Practices searchable database.  NCPEA will continue to maintain this clearinghouse, as well as identify key components of evidence-based practices in the field.

Statutory and Legislative Updates

NCPEA will annually provide analyses of state statutory issues and federal laws that impact elder abuse detection, intervention, and prevention and disseminate that information.


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Last Modified: 3/17/2011 11:30:51 AM 
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