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Depression: Conversation starters

Depression: Conversation starters

Content last updated on:
January 31, 2013

Depression is a hard subject for many people to talk about. But if a friend or loved one is depressed, talking to them about getting help can make a big difference. Use these tips to start the conversation.

Show you care.

“Tell me how you are feeling. I’m here to listen and support you.”

“I’m worried about you. I think you may need to talk to a doctor about depression.”

“Let me remind you of all the great things I love about you.”

“I really like to spend time with you. Let’s take a walk or go to a movie together.”

Offer hope.

“Depression is a real illness. Many people suffer from it, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Most people get better with treatment – even people who have severe depression.”

“I’ve read that getting active and eating healthy can help with depression.”

Offer to help.

“Let me help you get treatment. You can start by making an appointment with your doctor. Or I can help you find someone else to talk to, like a psychologist or social worker.”

“Get help right away if you are thinking about hurting yourself – call 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).”

“You can always call on me if you need support or you just want to talk.”

For more information on how to help someone with depression, visit: