Help & resources

Find health & drug plans

Find and compare drug plans, health plans, and Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policies.

Find & compare doctors, plans, hospitals, suppliers, & other providers

Find and compare hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, suppliers, and dialysis facilities.

Get help paying costs

Learn about programs that may help you save money on medical and drug costs.

Find suppliers of medical equipment & supplies

Get information about suppliers of durable medical equipment, prostheses and prosthetic devices, and orthotics.

Get Medicare forms

Access forms for permission to share your personal health information, filing an appeal, applying for Medicare, and requesting medical payment.


View, print, listen to podcasts, or order Medicare publications.

Mail you get about Medicare

Find out what to do with Medicare information you may get in the mail.

Lost/incorrect Medicare card

Fix problems with your Medicare card, like an incorrect name, new address, or replacing a lost card.

Report fraud & abuse

Find out how to identify and report Medicare-related fraud and abuse.

How do you file a complaint (grievance)?

Find out how you can file a complaint (also called a "grievance") if you have a concern about the quality of care or other services you get from a Medicare provider.

Identity theft: protect yourself

Learn about why and how it's important to protect your identity.

Phone numbers & websites

Get contact information for organizations that can help answer your Medicare-related questions.

Notice of Privacy Practices for the Original Medicare Plan

Read our notice about how medical information about you may be used and how you can get access to this information.

Contact Medicare

Get contact information for the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Federal agency that runs the Medicare Program.