National Cancer Institute NCI Specimen Resource Locator Picture of Cells

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Let Us Know If You Have Specimen Collections

The Resources Development Branch is interested in learning about available specimen collections. The NCI supports the collection and distribution of the specimens needed to advance research. If you have established a human specimen collection or have access to human specimens and data that would be useful for research, the Resources Development Branch is available to discuss your needs and possible options.

We invite those with human specimen resources to list their resource on the NCI Specimen Resource Locator website. Requirements for access to specimens are made explicitly clear on the listing and participating resources are not required to change their operating policies.

Those with more specialized and/or private collections may choose to provide information only for use by the NCI Tissue Expediter. The NCI Tissue Expediter is a scientist who provides direct service to researchers by locating those resources that will best serve their specific needs. The NCI Tissue Expediter can ensure that contacts with the resources are appropriate and help establish collaborations with those researchers who are requesting appropriate specimens.

Contact: The NCI Tissue Expediter
Resources Development Branch
Cancer Diagnosis Program
National Cancer Institute
Phone: (301) 496-7147
FAX: (301) 402-7819


Last updated September 24, 2012 (ccw) National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services