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U.S. National Institutes of Health
About CDP
Last Updated: 10/03/12

Resources Development Branch (RDB)

Research supported by RDB includes:

  • Develops and supports human specimen resources to facilitate translational and diagnostics cancer research
  • Assists researchers in locating and gaining access to the specimens needed for their research

    The NCI Tissue Expediter program maintains information about existing resources and helps match researchers with appropriate sources for the specimens they need. The Tissue Expediter also markets NCI specimen resources and collects data to help the NCI anticipate emerging specimen and data needs. The NCI Specimen Resource Locator ( helps researchers locate appropriate specimen sources for their research

  • Provides expertise related to human tissue specimen resources and advises staff in the NCI, the NIH and other federal and non-federal agencies and institutions, as well as researchers and specimen resource staff throughout the world
  • Supports the development of informatics tools to improve access to human specimens and associated clinical data
  • Serves as a source of current information on legal and ethical issues related to use of human specimens in research for the NCI and the extramural community

RDB Staff:

Name Title Phone Email
Irina A. Lubensky, MD Branch Chief 301-496-7147
Rodrigo Chuaqui, MD Program Director 301-496-7147

For All CDP Staff