The Office of Extramural Programs manages the funding activities of NINR that occur outside of NIH, in research institutions across the country and internationally. A major program priority is the integration of biological and behavioral research. Three dimensions - promoting health and preventing disease, managing the symptoms and disability of illness, and improving the environments in which care is delivered - cut across NINR's science areas.

Program Directors within OEP serve as a contact between NINR and the extramural research community, serve as a resource for applicants and investigators, and monitor research progress. The Chief of OEP is Dr.Linda Weglicki.

Introductory Information
An introduction to NINR grant mechanisms and a welcome letter for new grantees.  More...

Areas of Science/Program Contacts
Contact information and research portfolios for OEP scientists.  More...

Table of NINR Grant Mechanisms
Codes, descriptions, dates, and award amounts for NINR grants.  More...

Descriptions of NINR Research Mechanisms (Extramural)
Descriptions of NINR extramural research mechanisms.  More...

NINR Research Centers
Frequently asked questions about the NINR Research Centers Program.  More...

Funding Opportunities
Browse active funding opportunities and read about the latest policies and guidelines.  More...

NINR FY2012 Funding Guidelines
NINR has developed funding principles consistent with the overall NIH goals, considering the funds provided this fiscal year.  More...

Rank of Schools of Nursing for NIH Funding
Links to an NIH web-based tool for analyzing funding data by organization.  More...