The Office of Grants Management (OGM) is the central point of contact for all business-related activities associated with the negotiation, award, and administration of grants and cooperative agreements within the National Institute of Nursing Research.

OGM staff work with grantee business officials, principal investigators, National Institutes of Health (NIH) staff, NINR Review and Program staff as our main customers.

The fundamental role of the Grants Management Section is to provide the business and nonprogrammatic areas of grants administration. The grants officer serves as the counterpart to the business officer of the grantee institution and, in this capacity, is responsible for all business management aspects associated with the review, negotiation, award, and administration of grants.

OGM staff work closely with staff from the NINR Office of the Director, Review, and Program to interpret grant policies as they pertain to the grants award process. Best practices are incorporated into the OGM business model and procedures are developed and evolved to support Federal requirements and policy changes.

The Chief of the NINR Office of Grants Management is Brian Albertini.