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Tox Town - Environmental health concerns and toxic chemicals where you live, work, and play
Farm Animalsen español

Why are farm animals a concern?

Many farms today include farm animals raised and fed in a traditional way. Other farms raise and feed animals on a large scale, in animal feeding operations. In either setting, farm animals can cause accidents and injuries, spread diseases, and expose humans to animal waste. They also may be treated with pesticides, and in turn, expose humans to these pesticides. 

Animal injuries are the second most frequent kind of injuries on farms. (The most frequent is injuries caused by farm machinery.) Animals that may cause injuries or accidents include cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, and poultry. 

Farm animals can be a source of parasites and diseases that can be passed on to people. These diseases include rabies, ringworm, salmonella, West Nile virus, and Q fever, a bacterial disease associated with cattle, goats, and sheep. 

Farm animal waste has a foul smell and can contain disease-causing organisms. It can also contain bacteria and nitrates, which can contaminate drinking water and cause human illnesses.

This description is based on the information found in the Web links listed with this topic.

Web Links from MedlinePlus (National Library of Medicine)
Animal Bites
Animal Diseases and Your Health
Farm Health and Safety
Parasitic Diseases

More Links
Animal Breeders. Haz-Map (National Library of Medicine)
Animal Disposal Following an Emergency (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Child Safety Around Animals (University of Maine Cooperative Extension)
Handling Farm Animals Safely (Farm Safety Association) (PDF — 195 KB)
Safety with Animals (University of Minnesota Extension Service)

Chemicals and Farm Animals
Are these chemicals in MY community?

Last Updated: November 14, 2012

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