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Amateur Radio Service



Common Filing Task: Checking Application Status

No Fee Charged
Small Arrow Filing Electronically using the Universal Licensing System
Small Arrow Filing Manually
Beginning on the next business day following the filing of an application, you may want to check the application's status to ensure a successful submission.

Filing Electronically using the Universal Licensing System

To check the status of an application, go to the Universal Licensing System and:
  1. Click on the Application Search button.
  2. Select General for the Search Type and click Continue.
  3. On the search screen, specify the fields you want to search by and submit your search.
  4. You can search by any of the fields. For example, you may want to search by File Number, Applicant ID , or Licensee Name. Alternatively, filers can call the FCC's Consumer Center at 1-888-CALL-FCC (225-5322).
To limit your search to applications within a particular service, select the appropriate Radio Service Code. If searching by Licensee Name, type the name you want, as in the following examples: Punctuated Names: Earlier systems did not accept punctuation within a name. Thus, to search for a name that is hyphenated (such as Smith-Jones) or includes an apostrophe (such as O'Brien), you should use the percent sign (%) wildcard character. Some examples are: Within the database, punctuated names may be in any of several formats, such as O Brien or Obrien, depending on the system from which it was converted. Using the wildcard character will locate the name regardless of how it is stored in the database.

Filing Manually

Alternatively to ULS, you can call the ULS Customer Support Hotline at 1-877-480-3201, to check your application.
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