bReddi is now available on Facebook!

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What is bReddi?

bReddi is an application that helps you and your family prepare for natural disasters and other emergencies that may affect your life. It is also a central location to manage your preparedness needs and to create a safety net inside and outside of your community.

Why use bReddi?

Your family and friends need to know what they can do in case of an emergency. With bReddi you can discuss with your friends and family about how you can assist each other before a disaster happens. You can set meeting places and Lifeline roles so there’s no question of what to do, where to go or who to contact when disaster comes your way.

Your Disaster Preparedness Hub.

The summary page will keep you up to date on the latest threats to you, your friends and your family.

Stay Prepared, Stay Alert!

bReddi can alert you when threat levels change for you or anyone you are a Lifeline for via text message, Facebook or Twitter.

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