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U.S. Department of Health & Human Services U.S. Department of Health & Human Services U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
HHS Mentoring Program partnering for Excellence Group of people

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HHS Mentoring Program

The Department of Health and Human Services has a workforce of over 65,000 employees across the nation. Their mission is to “ensure the health and well-being of Americans by providing for effective health and human services.” To accomplish this mission, HHS employs a variety of methods to develop and retain a diverse and high-performing workforce. The HHS Mentoring Program is a major component of the effort to:

  1. Develop and retain a diverse, high-performing workforce
  2. Preserve the knowledge and skills of employees nearing retirement age, and
  3. Help new employees transition into HHS.

The Program is fundamentally built on leveraging the knowledge and experience of individuals that have strong leadership and technical competencies in order to develop others within the HHS workforce – “Partnering for Excellence.” The Program nurtures excellence by bringing employees who have strong leadership abilities and critical knowledge into teaching/coaching relationships with less experienced employees. The HHS Mentoring Program highlights the importance of “Partnering for Excellence” to enhance individual and organizational performance.
Featured Events

Save the Date: HHS Mentoring Program two-year anniversary and National Mentoring Month Celebration event titled, “ Mentoring: Encourage. Empower. Evolve.” is re-scheduled to Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, at the Great Hall, Hubert H. Humphrey Building. To registration for this event, please call
(301) 451-6810.

HHS is looking for mentors! Support the HHS mission by signing up to be a mentor today!


Contact Information

HHS University
6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 400
Rockville, MD 20852
Help Desk: 1-866-834-6785
Fax: 301-480-3287
TTY: 301-480-3051
HHSU Website

HHS Learning Portal Help Desk: 1-866-246-5440
Learning Management System email:


Last revised: 2/15/2012

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