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January 11, 2012


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TOO Bad this is never about sustainability nor people helping people! You guys only prefer to negate, denigrate others as Sean Powers of the Handivan in Honolulu has done to myself after meeting with him in his office to discuss HandiVan issues!!!!
Repeating his words that day- He states I am "astronomically wrong" (wink wink) a term he prefers and an inference to my brain that is severely damaged, both he and a City and County of Honolulu employee saw my MRI of my brain on 12/28/11.
I was questioning Honolulu's Handivan process! Sean is drawing inference to a certain congresswoman's and my Brain situation, although I am only a neighborhood board representative, questioning the vetting process! To say in veiled sick humor I am "astronomically wrong" when repeating the word of Sean out of that meeting, is unconscionable!

“quick and effective response to natural disasters made a difference across the country and their innovative approach to program delivery helped advance many critical projects around the country.”

These types of partnerships focused on affordable housing should be more widely publicized

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