National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health
Cancer Diagnosis Program (CDP)
CDP Tissue Microarrays

Breast Tissue Microarrays

The CDP offers breast cancer tissue microarrays (TMAs) for investigations of marker prevalence associated with progression or prognosis of disease. The Progression tissue microarray is intended for researchers wishing to correlate a marker with staging information or with other markers. The Prognostic tissue microarray is designed to detect associations between tumor markers and clinical outcomes within three stages of breast cancer.

Charges for Breast TMAs

Tissue microarray sections will be cut and shipped after processing fees and shipping charges are paid.

Item Academic Cost Industry Cost
Tissue Microarray sections for progression studies $1,200/6 sections
(replicate sections from 3 case sets)
$3,600/6 sections
(replicate sections from 3 case sets)
Tissue Microarray sections for Stage I prognostic studies $2,000/10 sections
(replicate sections from 5 case sets)
$6,000/10 sections
(replicate sections from 5 case sets)
Tissue Microarray sections for Stage II prognostic studies $1,600/8 sections
(replicate sections from 4 case sets)
$4,800/8 sections
(replicate sections from 4 case sets)
Tissue Microarray sections for Stage III prognostic studies $800/4 sections
(replicate sections from 2 case sets)
$2,400/4 sections
(replicate sections from 2 case sets)

Where can I get additional information?

For additional information, contact:

CDP Tissue Microarray Resources
Information Management Services, Inc.
3901 Calverton Boulevard, Suite 200
Calverton, MD 20705
Telephone: 301-680-9770