Some sprucing up

We've done a little renovating around the BCP Business Center.  Nothing major like adding a rumpus room or finishing the basement.  Just a few updates in response to your suggestions.

Because your clients want to know about "Where was it made?" issues, we’ve expanded the ADVERTISING & MARKETING tab to include a Made in USA category.  As always, topical business education brochures are listed in the center of each page.  These to-the-point publications offer informal compliance tips for busy executives.  Nothing in the BCP Business Center comes with a copyright, so feel free to link to them, adapt them for your employees or customers, or print them out next time you’re giving a presentation or attending an industry event.

In the CREDIT & FINANCE tab, we’ve added a Payments and Billing category.  That's where you'll find information about a broad range of dollars-and-sense issues like mobile payments, payment processing, unauthorized billing or debits, cramming, etc.  The Credit category has a new name — Credit and Loans — to make it clear that’s also where you’ll find materials about payday lending, auto financing, etc.  We're still adding cases to each category, but thanks to an update, you can display them alphabetically or see the most recent first — whichever you prefer.

At the top of each page, you'll spot four links:

  • Cases
  • Reports and Workshops
  • Laws, Rules, and Guides and
  • Compliance Documents

So what goes where?  The Cases link highlights — surprise, surprise — selected FTC law enforcement actions, including consent orders and litigated matters.  The Reports and Workshops link takes you to the proceedings from FTC conferences, Reports to Congress, industry studies, staff reports, and other key documents.   Laws, Rules, and Guides is narrowly limited to statutory and administrative provisions officially published in the U.S. Code or the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.).  Compliance Documents?  That’s where you'll find got-to-read-it materials like closing letters, warning letters, correspondence with other agencies, referrals from self-regulatory groups, advisory opinions, and stuff that doesn’t fit neatly into the other categories.  The number in parentheses refers to how many documents you’ll find when you click that link

Let us know what you think about the changes and what we can do to make the BCP Business Center a more effective resource for your company.




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