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Geographic Information System
for Breast Cancer Studies on Long Island (LI GIS)

About the Data

This unique research tool has more than 80 in-depth, high-quality datasets that primarily cover the 1990s but also cover several previous decades. Breast cancer is a disease of long latency, and data from years ago are especially useful to researchers.

The LI GIS incorporates:

  • Topographic data, including locations of roads, water features, parks and landmarks, and base maps which define legal boundaries and serve as reference points
  • Demographic data, including the age, race, sex, and income of the population
  • Health outcome data, including relative breast cancer incidence and health facilities data
  • Environmental data, including land use and cover; railroads; traffic; water use and potential sources of water pollution; chemical releases into water, air, and soil; electrical power lines; information on toxic chemicals and hazardous and municipal waste; and radiation
  • Weather information and satellite image maps
  • Data also are included with less detail and geographic precision for areas within 31 miles from the two counties, and very limited data are included for areas within a 100-mile radius from the midpoint of the boundary line between the two counties. The extended area includes counties in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

More details about the information contained in the LI GIS datasets can be found in the Metadata Browser.

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