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Organization of Breast Cancer Screening Programs in 27 ICSN Countries, 2007-2008

Country Program Type 1 Year Program Began Detection Methods in Routine Use 2 Detection Methods being Evaluated for Possible Use Age Groups Covered Recommended Interval for Average Risk (under 70) for Mammography
Age 40-49 Age 50+
Australia NS 1991 MM DM 50-693 NA 2 years
Belgium NS 2001 MM, DM MRI 50-69 NA 2 years
Brazil NS 2000 MM, CBE 40-69 NA 2 years
Canada NS 1988 MM, DM, CBE MRI 50-69 1 year 2 years
Czech Republic N 2002 MM, DM, CBE 45-69 2 years 2 years
Denmark S 1991 MM, DM 50-69 NA 2 years
Finland N 1986 MM, DM 50-69 NA 2 years
France N 2003 MM, CBE DM 50-74 NA 2 years
Germany NS 2005 MM, DM 50-69 NA 2 years
Hungary N 2002 MM 45-64 2 years 2 years
Iceland N 1987 MM, DM 40-694 2 years 2 years
Ireland N 2000 MM, DM 50-64 2 years 2 years
Israel N 1997 MM 50-74 NA 2 years
Italy NS 2002 MM DM 50-69 NA 2 years
Japan N 2000 MM, DM, CBE U 40-75+ 2 years 2 years
Korea N 2002 MM DM 40-75+ 2 years 2 years
Luxembourg N 1992 MM 50-69 NA 2 years
Netherlands N 1989 MM, DM 50-74 NA 2 years
New Zealand N 1998 MM, DM 45-69 2 years 2 years
Norway N 1996 MM, DM DM 50-69 NA 2 years
Portugal S 1990 DM 45-69 2 years 2 years
Spain S 1990 MM 45-69 2 years 2 years
Switzerland S 1999 MM, DM 50-69 NA 2 years
Turkey NS 1999 MM. CBE DM 50-69 NA 2 years
United Kingdom N 1988 MM, DM 50-70 NA 3 years
United States O 1995 MM, DM, CBE DM, MRI, CT 40-75+ 1-2 years 1-2 years
Uruguay O 1990 MM, CBE, BSE DM, MRI 40-69 2 years 1 year

1 Program Types:

N (National screening policy with national program implementation)
NS (National screening policy with state/provincial/regional screening program implementation)
S (State/Provincial/Regional screening and program implementation)
P (pilot program)
O (Other)

2 Detection Methods:

MM (screen-film mammography)
DM (digital mammography)
CBE (clinical breast exam)
BSE (breast self-examination)
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
U (ultrasound)
CT (Computerized Tomographic Imaging)

3 Women 40-49 and 70+ years are not targeted, but are eligible to attend

4 Women 70+ are not targeted, but are eligible to attend