Business and International Education Program

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Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance

The Higher Education Act requires that the Secretary consult with federal agency heads in order to receive recommendations regarding areas of national need for expertise in foreign languages and world regions.

Areas of national need identified by the Secretary, consisting of priority languages that are less commonly taught and the world regions - Consultation with Federal Agencies on Areas of National Need



Policy Guidance

Eligible activities for this program include, but are not limited to:

  • improvement of the business and international education curriculum of institutions to serve the needs of the business community, including the development of new programs for mid-career or part-time students;
  • development of programs to inform the public of increasing international economic interdependence and the role of American business within the international economic system;
  • internationalization of curricula at the junior and community college level, and at undergraduate and graduate schools of business; development of area studies programs and interdisciplinary international programs;
  • establishment of export education programs;
  • research for and development of specialized teaching materials appropriate to business-oriented students;
  • establishment of student and faculty fellowships and internships or other training or research opportunities;
  • creating opportunities for business and professional faculty to strengthen international skills;
  • development of research programs on issues of common interest to institutions of higher education and private sector organizations and associations engaged in or promoting international economic activity;
  • the establishment of internships overseas to enable foreign language students to develop their foreign language skills and knowledge of foreign cultures and societies;
  • the establishment of linkages overseas with institutions of higher education and organizations that contribute to the educational objectives of this section; and
  • summer institutes in international business, foreign area and other international studies designed to carry out the purposes of this section.

Limitations on Use of Funds / Cost-Sharing Requirements: The applicant must contribute 50 percent of the total project cost. Thus, if an applicant requests $70,000 from the federal government, the applicant must contribute $70,000 of institutional funds to the project. The matching requirement may be cash or in-kind contributions.



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Last Modified: 06/24/2011