National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

Clinical Services

Patient Representative

Laura Cearnal
Phone: 301-496-2626
Pager: 301-385-7403
Address: 10/2C204, MSC-1504

The Patient Representative helps patients and their families with questions about care.

Deputy NIH Legal Advisor

Patricia Kvochak
Phone: 301-402-0626
Address: 31/2B-50

The Clinical Center attorneys can help with legal questions that arise from consult requests.


Kathleen Moore
Phone: 594-3066
Address: 31/1B39

The Ombudsman is a neutral, independent, and confidential resource providing informal assistance to NIH scientists, administrators, and support staff in addressing work-related issues.

Social Work

Adrienne Farrar
Phone: 301-496-9319
Address: 10/1N252

Social Work assists low-income patients and their families with arranging and paying for transportation, lodging, and other expenses. They also may assist patients leaving the Clinical Center with arranging access to further care.

Spiritual Ministry

The Spiritual Ministry Department (SMD), through its multi-faith pastoral services, supports the Clinical Center's mission by providing religious and spiritual care for patients, their families and loved ones.

Medical Records Department

Phone: 496-5981
Address: 10/1N208

The Medical Records Department maintains the medical records of all patients at the Clinical Center and prepares and provides abstracts of individual patients' records.

Page Operator

Phone: 496-1211

Keeps track of pager numbers. Changes to the "Fellow On Call" number should be given to the Pager Operator.