From NIMH MEG Core Facility

Main: HomePage


Welcome to the NIMH MEG Core Facility website. Here you can find information ranging from local operations of the lab, to general topics on the analysis of MEG data, including software available for download.

Clicking on the recent changes link here or at the bottom of every page gives you a list of all the recently modified pages. It's an easy way to see what's new on the site. The recent changes are also available as an RSS feed.

Also, the Search box (at the bottom of the sidebar to the left) is a powerful way to find things on this website.

Latest News

There hasn't been a news update recently … but not for lack of activity! We have lots of users, lots of results, and lots of updated software. MEG is cool beans, so come down to the lab and learn about the brain.

You may notice that we have expanded the sidebar to the left, making it more convenient to access some of the documents.

Older news

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Page last modified on October 15, 2010, at 05:09 PM