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The Structures of Life

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The Structures of Life reveals how structural biology provides insight into health and disease and is useful in developing new medications.

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Preface: Why Structure?
Preface: Why Structure?
Introduces the topic and the contents of each chapter. » more
Chapter 1: Proteins are the Body's Worker Molecules
Chapter 1: Proteins are the Body's Worker Molecules
Structure-function relationship, amino acids, protein folding, genetic code, sickle cell and CF, computer modeling. » more
Chapter 2: X-ray Crystallography: Art Marries Science
Chapter 2: X-ray Crystallography: Art Marries Science
Advantages and challenges of X-ray crystallography, synchrotrons, ribosome structure, student snapshot. » more
Chapter 3: The World of NMR: Magnets, Radio Waves, and Detective Work
Chapter 3: The World of NMR: Magnets, Radio Waves, and Detective Work
Advantages and challenges of NMR, student snapshot. » more
Chapter 4: Structure-Based Drug Design: From the Computer to the Clinic
Chapter 4: Structure-Based Drug Design: From the Computer to the Clinic
HIV protease inhibitors, Celebrex, what makes a good medicine, drug resistance, student snapshot. » more
Chapter 5: Beyond Drug Design
Chapter 5: Beyond Drug Design
Notable structures: actin and myosin, RNA polymerase, bacterial photosynthetic reaction center, G proteins. » more
Defines scientific terms used in the booklet. » more
This page last reviewed on November 26, 2012